Little is known about William Shakespeare, the playwright some consider the best ever, some think he has never lived. What if a bookseller found a book that could prove that Shakespeare not only lived but has really written all the plays? But it’s not the famous writer that attracts Peter Byerly’s attention. When opening an 18th century study about Shakespeare forgeries, the bookman is struck by a painting of a woman who looks like his beloved wife Amanda. But why the resemblance? Peter who has lost every will to live after the sudden death of Amanda, finally discovers his passion for books again.
„Peter was in no hurry to open the door. It had been nine months since he had entered a bookshop; another few minutes wouldn’t make a difference.“
„The Bookman’s Tale“ is one of those novels that lure the reader inside its story from the very first sentence and is unwilling to let him live his life until the book is finished. Charlie Lovett has mixed a love story of two people from very different backgrounds sharing the love for one another and the passion for books, literature and history. The story is set in London and the Welsh countryside round Hay-on-Wye and is alternating between the present, Peter’s and Amanda’s past and the 16th and 17th century. What could be confusing, keeps the reader hooked and eager to find out how the story and the fate of the characters unfolds. The novel is a lovely read for booklovers who should not be afraid to learn a little bit of William Shakespeare.
Charlie Lovett: The Bookman’s Tale – A Novel of Love and Obsession, Alma Books, £ 7.99