Buy books, do good, love Benedict

Buy a book and donate one at the same time. Foto: pb

It’s this time of the year we all try to get a little bit of rest. But before that – and before Christmas of course – we think about all our beloved ones and how to make them happy with a special gift.
Most of us – the Cumbercollectiv – love to read books. And we know that Benedict Cumberbatch always has too much books (and clothes ofDallaglio Foundation 8Rocks course) in his baggage when he’s flying all around the world twice in a month.

„Reading is one of the joys in life.
Once you’ve started, you can’t stop.
And you got so many stories
to look forward to.“
Benedict Cumberbatch

Wouldn’t it be lovely if you can buy a book for yourself or as a Christmas gift and donate a book for someone in need – just with one click? That’s exactly what Better World Book does all over the world. And this year you can buy books and honour Benedict who asked his fans doing good for someone else, throwing love his way – and for people in need.
All you have to do is this:
Sign in at the top of the page by clicking on „My account“ (yes it’s yours even if you don’t have an individual one)
Use as your email address and Cumberbatch (mind the capital C!) as password.
Please be aware to change the shipping-address so that you get the book you ordered right to you. That’s all you have to do. Let’s make this Christmas a special one for book lovers, for people who can’t effort books and honour Benedict Cumberbatch.

[Update 12/15/2013]
So far 31 books have been ordered from Better World Books. Which means: 31 books will be donated for the book drive and 441.67$ will be donated to literacy projects.
Please note that we will close this project on 24th December, so it’s still time to order a book. If you are outside the US your order will probably not reach you in time for Christmas – but what about a book for yourself?

If part of this article sound weird this is due to the fact that I’m no native speaker, so don’t be too harsh.
Feel free to share this blog entry but please quote and link properly.

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