Fascinating London

What is it that makes London so fascinating? I’m asking myself this question for quite a while now and I still don’t have an answer. Quite a while means for at least three years, about that time BBC’s „Sherlock“ forced its way into my life, ready to stay and occupy it.

But this was only the beginning because it opened a door to new and different experiences that literally broadened my mind, still do and will probably never end. London of course is a part of that – not just because the city is always present in the stories as a lovely book points out. But because London is the background for films, books and all in all quite present in everyday’s life if you are not hiding under a rock 24/7. So when I finally visited London for the very first time last November it soon became quite clear that the city infected me with her bug forcing me to come back, several times this year.

A bug that is made out of those iconic buildings the Elizabeth tower – known as Big Ben – is just one of countless ones, though it’s the one for me, symbolizing London and Britain in a wonderful building that I have to look at on every visit. But of course London is much more. Especially the Londoners being polite and calm even when silly tourists like me are standing on the wrong side of elevators or squeezing themselves into trains with their baggage. And gosh –  they are helpful! No matter if I was standing at a chip and pin machine wondering how to throw money at it or in front of a tube map in a crowded station figuring out what platform to choose: a friendly „Can I help you?“ or „You do know your way, do you?“ is one of the things that I will always connect with London – hopefully in many more visits to come.


My London bug: Big Ben. Photo: Petra Breunig


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