Photo: Petra Breunig

#ReadALetter – Letters Live –


Bamberg, Germany, 11th of April 2020

My dear beloved cinema,
I never thought I’d ever write a letter to you. Why would I? I’m living literally just round the corner.

In summer I can smell you. That scent that defines you or at least it does for me. It’s that smell of popcorn, coffee and that very special mysterious smell that lives behind your glass doors normally full of film posters and the monthly schedule, that smell that greets me immediately after pulling the very left door open and step inside.

Normally I meet my dear friend there before strolling to the back to buy our tickets and where normally a „Hi ladies, it’s the OmU*f or yous, is it. Grand cappuccino with wheat milk, small latte macchiato, mineral water and..?“ welcomes and marks us as frequent visitors.

You, little cinema, my second living room, you are closed since weeks and I do miss you so much.
But some day, hopefully not too far away, we’ll meet again. I can’t wait.

*OmU = Original mit Untertiteln = Original Version with subtitles“

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