So it’s Doctor Strange then

“I’m never bored”, John Watson says to Mycroft when asked what it is like living with his brother Sherlock. The same is true for Benedict Cumberbatch’s fans: When the actor isn’t busy solving crimes as the highly functioning sociopath who will be back in the special “The Abominable Bride” on New Year’s Day on BBC One he dives into all kind of topics – and takes the Cumbercollective on a fantastic trip into the unknown.

On that trip we  learned about Enigma and the Codebreakers at Bletchley Park when Benedict played Alan Turing in “The Imitation Game”. In  “Black Mass” we found ourselves in Boston in the 1970s where Benedict as William Bulger is not only a senator but also the brother of the criminal Whitey Bulger (Johnny Depp). We read William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” (again) to prepare for Benedict’s performance at the Barbican earlier this year. Luckily this was not only a once in a lifetime experience but another step in the career of that amazing actor who will be Richard III in the second series of BBC Two’s “The Hollow Crown” to be aired some when in 2016. (Because it’s a three part series, better prepare for it and read Henry VI and Richard III.).

And so it’s Doctor Strange then. A fictional superhero who protects earth from mysterious villains with the help of his own magical abilities – at least that is what I have learned so far. But it’s still time for diving into the unknown world of Marvel, open a new door and proving the fact that Benedict is just fantastic.

Doctor Strange will be released in the UK on 28th October.

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