Sherlock Holmes behind glass
He is one of the most adapted literary figures of all times and has a very special relationship with London. The fact that the exhibition „Sherlock Holmes – The man who has never lived and will
WeiterlesenHe is one of the most adapted literary figures of all times and has a very special relationship with London. The fact that the exhibition „Sherlock Holmes – The man who has never lived and will
WeiterlesenYou think you do know everything about BBC’s Sherlock? Think twice, dive into the wonderful book „Sherlock Chronicles“ written by Steve Tribe and take a stroll from the very beginning (or even before the beginning
WeiterlesenGeburtstage sind aufregend. Jedenfalls dann, wenn man ein Mädchen ist, Hannah Halblicht heißt, zehnten Geburtstag hat – und auf dem Frühstückstisch ein seltsames Päckchen vorfindet. „Die eine Seite funkelt wie ein Regenbogen und die andere
WeiterlesenWith anniversaries of both World Wars, it seems we are flooded with documentaries, books and radio plays. And even despite the fact that this topic is a very important one, people could be bored getting another film
WeiterlesenTwo people fall in love and decide to marry. Isn’t that a most lovely thing to announce in an old fashioned way by an ad in a newspaper? Those who don’t feel happy for the couple must
WeiterlesenFirst of all – a confession: I’m not a theatre goer. I’m not an expert when it comes to classical music, classic literature or other stuff educated people consider to be important. I mean really
WeiterlesenIf you finish a book and you feel empty inside, the same feeling you have when you leave good friends, knowing you will not see them again for quite a while, if ever. If you have
WeiterlesenIch kann es nicht mehr hören und lesen: dieses Internet ist, wenn nicht der Untergang des Abendlandes, so doch der der Jugend. Und wer sich nun altersmäßig nicht mehr zu dieser Zielgruppe zählen darf, aber
WeiterlesenDer Sherlock Holmes, den Sir Arthur Conan Doyle erfunden hat, ist ein Mann im besten Alter und im vollen Besitz seiner geistigen Fähigkeiten. Was der wohl berühmteste Detektiv der Literaturgeschichte gemacht hat, bevor er in
WeiterlesenWhat happens when you get to know a man, talk with him, have fun enjoying his company? Clearly you want to meet him again and ask – if he’s on Facebook. This is quite normal,
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