Photo: Petra Breunig

Philipp Röttgers: London and its genius loci

London isn’t just some city. She is a character in various films, novels and poems which wouldn’t be the same if they were not settled in Britain’s capital. The fascination that hits almost everyone who visits London for the very first time will not disappear but grow with every new trip. Experienced visitors have their own ways to find and re find their very own London, greeting the great city by walking a certain route on their first day back for example is a nice way to settle in again.

“If you want to experience every little detail of history that is around you, you just have to walk and stop and look and don’t aim for anything in particular!”

Philipp Röttgers offers  seven “Tour Stories”, walks that lead the readers through streets and thoroughfares while offering details of historic events and people. Although this isn’t a totally new way to learn more about London’s history while strolling the streets, Röttgers offers some new aspects and tours that are worth a try, especially if you haven’t done any. The author, drummer and journalist, isn’t a native speaker but a German who has studied “English Literatures and Cultures” at the university in Bonn.

If you haven’t, you should give  Peter Ackroyd’s “London –  The Concise Biography” (which Röttgers is frequently quoting) and Matthew Green’s “London: A Travel Guide Through Time” a try. They are brilliantly written and make a thrilling read while preparing for another trip.

You find more about London on my blog (both in English and German) here.

Philipp Röttgers: London and its genius loci, Büchner, 22 Euro.
The book was kindly provided  for review by the publisher.

Photo: Petra Breunig
Photo: Petra Breunig


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