Sherlock: The Six Thatchers
The new year brought new Sherlock. And as always the fans gathered round telly or any internet device to watch the first episode of series 4, „The Six Thatchers“. Written by Mark Gatiss this episode started
WeiterlesenThe new year brought new Sherlock. And as always the fans gathered round telly or any internet device to watch the first episode of series 4, „The Six Thatchers“. Written by Mark Gatiss this episode started
WeiterlesenYes, I can hear them. Those critics, those self declared grail holders of every single tradition you can think of in cultural topics. They are about to start their writing software after they had difficulties
WeiterlesenNo, I’m not a Shakespeare expert. Far from that. Although I can imagine that reading his works might be the same challenge for native English speakers as it is for me reading Goethe or Schiller, getting
WeiterlesenIt was a secret world behind the Victorian facade of the house in Bletchley Park some 70 kilometres Northwest of London. At the beginning of the second World War the British government realised that it would
WeiterlesenDer Zweite Weltkrieg ist auch bald 70 Jahre nach seinem Ende immer noch präsent, jedenfalls wenn man sich den Stoff ansieht, aus dem Filme und Bücher gemacht sind. Mit „The Imitation Game – Ein streng
WeiterlesenWith anniversaries of both World Wars, it seems we are flooded with documentaries, books and radio plays. And even despite the fact that this topic is a very important one, people could be bored getting another film
WeiterlesenConfessions first: I’m not a Whovian. At least not if you consider that a fan of the famous BBC series should know all episodes and all connections within a wink of an eye. Not to mention everything
WeiterlesenOh, here you are again. The friendly but unforgiving hint „This film is not available in your country“. This time I’m not able to watch „Third Star“ on the brand new platform „We Are Colony„.
WeiterlesenOne of the things coming with being a fan of Benedict Cumberbatch is getting to know about books you’ve never heard of and you probably never would have read because they simply exist out of
WeiterlesenIt’s not a light hearted film that will cheer you up. Yes, there is a birthday party at the beginning of „Third Star“, guests are happy, table is ready for them. But somehow things are
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